Gina's blog

Thursday, September 27, 2007


I just don't understand how people can just not show up for an appointment. I had to finish 1 quad of a patient this moring and I got her done quick. Then I had 2 children scheduled. I talked to the mom last night and she was all good to come. So why the no-show? I don't understand, and it just makes me stress that much more about finishing my requirements. I'm going to have to work hard and fast to get them all done. Hopefully the VA will help me out some. I'll write later about how the afternoon goes.

Thursday 20

My morning was so frustrating. My patient showed up but didn't want to be seen, she brought her mother. So, long story I started her mom but her BP was way high and so was her blood sugar. We had to excuse her. In the process another student who had a no-show asked the daughter about being seen, and she agreed to be seen. So the patient I originally had scheduled went to someone else and I was left with no patient. What can you do????
My afternoon patient was great. Very nice, full Class II and great for mock boards... until I started to clean her. Even my instructor had a hard time getting her calculus off. Tenacious!! So needless to say I had declared her an exam, which is not good, and I do not want to use her as a board patient. So now I'm still on the look out for mock boards. I guess everything came down to really good learning experiences and hopefully I know how to better handle those situations next time.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Doing good

My first patients today was a return from last week I was able to get 3 quads done. It was cool because the patient a some deep pockets that I learned to clean, and we did anesthetic and Arestin. It was a great learning experience. My second patient no showed me. Why, when I just scheduled them yesterday?!!! I don't get it. But, thanks to younger brothers I was able to get xrays and a full 1B done. I hope I can get more difficult patients coming in so I can fufill my requirements.

Thursday the 6

My day went pretty well. My first patient I just got through OD, but the patient had a deep pocket and possible periapicle abscess, so it took longer to get xrays and everything done. She will be 2 quads of a Cl 2 and 2 quads of a CL 3. So that's good. My second patient had a huge health history will many problems and many medications, but once we got through that I was able to get her completely cleaned because she was a CL 5. Overall the day went pretty well. It will take time to get used to all of this and pick up my speed. Hopefully that speed comes quickly.