Gina's blog

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Positive thinking!

I'd really like to think that I'm not a negative person, but honestly I have had horrible luck at the WSU clinic this year. It's the luck of the draw, and I drew out the most unreliable patients. The VA has been really good to me. I have been able to finish 3 patients most of the days there, because of this (And my awesome classmates who have shared patients) I have been able to get all of my requirements done. Today my patients showed up, but my first patient started off rough for some reason and I just couldn't keep things moving smoothly. My 1 o'clock in the morning Christmas decorating may be the reason. Anyway, her xrays didn't save on the computer and so we lost them and she doesn't want retakes. So then I start thinking again that I just have bad luck here, something goes wrong with each appointment. And not just a little wrong, like bigger things. I try to put out positive thinking vibes befor clinic each time:), but maybe I'm really thinking negatively because I just seem to have bad luck. Well gotta go for pod wrap.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's a trend!!

I think a memo had to have been sent out to any patient that was scheduled with me, telling them to no-show or cancel at the last minute. That would be really funny right! Well I'm beginning to think it is a joke. My morning patient actually showed up even though they were late. So I had to cruize because I was doing two 1A patients, but I finished them. Now I have my 1A patients done and all I need are 5 quads of a class 2 and 1 quad of a class 3. I think my afternoon patient would have fulfilled some of those requirements, but he decided to stay at home today:) I'm pretty sure I will be able to finish all of these between here and the VA, but I may not get any extra quads in. Well, we are moving along and only have two more weeks to see patients!

Mock board day!!

This was not a good day! The afternoon went really well becuase I was a student examiner. It was really good to see how the entire process worked with the examiners and all of that. To be an examiner first was good because I felt more prepared for when my patient came. Well once my paitent got here I scaled like crazy and did all I could to get her very tenacious calculus off. I knew I probably missed a couple spots, but I was out of time so I turned her over to the examiners left. To my great surprise and major dissapointment she was brought back to me with 10 missed spots! Not 1 or 2...10! Ten out of Twelve areas. No way! That's what I was thinking. So, to make a very long story short, the situation was discussed and my failing grade was changed to a passing grade. It really made me feel like I was no good at this, but I'm over that now. That patient came back and I finished her final quad and did fine at it. So I'm so glad that is over.

1cancellation per day

So going back to the 25th of October, my first patient no-showed me. Is anyone surprised? Not me it seems to be the trend for all of my patients. Luckily my brother-in-law wanted to get in that day and so he came. My wonderful class 3 patient came in the afternoon and I finished her. She is such a nice lady I really enjoyed working on her and it gave me some great experience because some of the areas in her mouth were more of a class 4. So one more day down!