Yeah! today my patient was 3 quads of a 2 and 1 quad of a 3, possibly when she comes back my instructor said she'll check and maybe give me 2 quads of a 3. At least I'm getting somewhere. I'm so close to having all my requirements, but I also am very limited on time to finish. I know I'll get it done, I just need 1 more class 3 patient. I'm excited to clean this patient just so that I can get some experience with it. She is an interesting person though because she is very holistic. She doesn't want nitrous, anesthetic, fluoride, toothpast. She will be hard to convince that she needs to do something about her perio disease. I need to look into some of the holistic stuff to see if there is anything I can recommend that may help with her perio. She just keeps telling me that she is very healthy. We'll have to see what I can find out.