Gina's blog

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My new blog

I finally put together a new blog it is.... Check it out

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Class 4 day

Today is my day for class 4 patients. I had 2 in the morning and one in the afternoon. It has been a crazy day, but I am just glad to get them done. I got really lucky because my afternoon patient had blood sugar sooo high and I had to send her home. Then Joni's patient had 2 quads of 4, and she was nice enough to give her to me. Yeah! I am almost done with everything, but I don't think I'll be relaxed until I completely finish and have a job lined up. It's almost hard to enjoy the fact that we only have three weeks left because we are so stressed about getting eveything done. But... we are almost there. I can not wait!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Board Patient

I found him! That is, my board patient. I was not expecting him to be anything, but in the back of my mind I was hoping. Luckily he qualified, and he is pretty much perfect for boards. Clean health history, no restorations at all, and plenty of calculus. I feel really good about it. I got all his xrays done today and he seems reliable and really nice. I may have to use one quad for my mock board, but hopefully I can find someone else to qualify for that. Anyway, it was a good day. My afternoon patient didn't come, I was disappointed because we have a limited amount of days left to get the rest of our requirements in. I've got things pretty well set up. Now I just cross my fingers that it all turns out the way I have planned. We'll see! I need to think very positively!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Making friends with patients

Both my patients that came in today were patients that I have seen throughout my time here, and now I'm kind of sad that I won't be treating them anymore. I saw how it's nice to make friends with you patients, and how you can build trust with them. It will be nice to get into an office where I can stay for a while and get to know my patients over a longer period of time. I'm going to make sure whoever get's their names to treat next semester that they take good care of them:).


All I can think about is boards. They are just around the corner. I finished at the VA this past week and I am glad to be done, but I also liked going down there just for a change in scenery and I worry less about getting my requirements done because I see more patients during the week when I am there. It is nice to have an extra day to dedicate to studying though. All I need for requirements is Class IV's, and I also need a mockboard and board patient. I have a few prospects and I hope they will work out. With a lot of luck hopefully I can find them soon.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Last semester ever!

Well, who knows if it will really be my last semester ever, you never know what the future will bring, but I'm excited that I am almost done. I haven't been blogging much, things are really busy and my mind is not retaining everything that I have to do. I think I'm pretty much at my max, but that's just my feeling today, maybe tomorrow I'll feel like I have no worries. (Maybe not). Anyway, this semester has been pretty good so far, I think someone felt bad for me last semester because I have only had 1 cancellation. I am also at the VA this first half of the semester and so I am really close to having all of my requirements done. My goal is to have all my requirements finished by the time we are done with the VA. After today I think I just need 2 class 4 patients and 1 class 3, and I do have them scheduled. Clinic is going well, our mockboard was last week and I did just fine on it. My patient for mockboard was so nice, I hope I can find a real board patient as good as her. We have anesthesia boards and written boards coming up so soon, about 1 month. I just got the major stress bug yesterday. I don't know why, but driving to school this morning I just felt that stress level so high I could throw up. Not because of anything in particular, just everything! But, we always make it through right? I'm crossing my fingers, and working hard.!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Last day of the semester

Last day of the semester, and guess what? Yep, my patient cancelled, and guess who it was? My husband. :) Doesn't that just finish off my track record perfectly! He had a great excuse, but I still couldn't believe that he didn't make it. Luckily my sister wanted to get in, so it worked out just fine. I'm just so glad to be done for the semester! The break will be nice, and then it's the last stretch to graduation. I can't believe it's coming so soon. I feel good about how this semester went despite my many cancellations and no-shows. It's amazing how far we've all come, and how much better I feel about my scaling techniques in such a short time. I'm feeling that I will be pretty prepared for boards, especially after having two more mock board exams. Well, Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Positive thinking!

I'd really like to think that I'm not a negative person, but honestly I have had horrible luck at the WSU clinic this year. It's the luck of the draw, and I drew out the most unreliable patients. The VA has been really good to me. I have been able to finish 3 patients most of the days there, because of this (And my awesome classmates who have shared patients) I have been able to get all of my requirements done. Today my patients showed up, but my first patient started off rough for some reason and I just couldn't keep things moving smoothly. My 1 o'clock in the morning Christmas decorating may be the reason. Anyway, her xrays didn't save on the computer and so we lost them and she doesn't want retakes. So then I start thinking again that I just have bad luck here, something goes wrong with each appointment. And not just a little wrong, like bigger things. I try to put out positive thinking vibes befor clinic each time:), but maybe I'm really thinking negatively because I just seem to have bad luck. Well gotta go for pod wrap.